FACT! Anne Frank Had A Clitoris

My infamous Pervy Friend sent me* something really cool this week, apparently The Diary of Anne Frank was edited more than we thought.

She wrote about everything in her Diary, including what she was discovering about her body.  Check out the blog post [about it] here: The Expurgation of the Clitoris.

In November 2009, the unabridged version was pulled from the library shelves and classroom bookcases at Culpepper Middle School in Culpepper, Virginia after a parent complained that the diary contained explicit sexual content inappropriate for an eighth grade readership. “While these pages could be the basis of a relevant discussion,” remarked school superintendent Bobbi Johnson, “they do not reflect the purpose of studying the book at the middle-school level and could foster a discussion in a classroom that many would find inappropriate.”

When I learned of the censorship of Frank’s journals, I decided to resume the Feminaissance project I had started so many months ago. It seemed that now, as ever, we still need Feminaissance(s), the tiny revolts—to engage with and practice feminist (however one chooses to define it) ways of reading, thinking, seeing, and moving through the world. It was in this spirit that I asked writers Allison Carter, Evelyn Hampton, Claire Donato, Amy King, and Tisa Bryant to contribute their own response. I wanted the conversation to continue and to continue in the writing itself.

Follow Up: http://htmlgiant.com

Source: LesFigues.blogspot.com

*If you see something cool, funny, or thoughtful (and sex related), send it to me and either say you want to be credited then pick a nick name if you want to be a special anonymous guest.  I don’t care if it is a joke or something serious… I’ll love it anyway and possibly post it if I can spin it in a bloggy direction :)

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  • http://comingtogetherpodcast.com Dez

    It's perhaps not surprising, people don't want sex and the holocaust mixed. One of the most human accounts I've read was of Etty Hillesum … but she's almost never discussed outside of college level classes since she was much more morally ambiguous than the edited Anne Frank.
