Femme Funn & Nalone Sex Toys: Wave Rabbit

Femme Funn sent me a Nalone Wave for an honest review.



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The Wave rabbit was one of the toys in the line that they sent me to feel for myself. Thrusting toys are often asked for by clients who want to do less work during masturbation. Or clients who want to be as stimulated as possible during masturbation.

a Rabbit Vibrator is a category of vibrators that have an insertable portion and an external ‘thumb’ portion (made for clitoral stimulation). In earlier years the clitoral part was commonly shaped into a rabbit… and thus the name.

Most toys are sold for ‘novelty use only’ and many ‘novelties’ are made in countries where sex toys are prohibited. Making toys with little fuzzy animals in mind make them less scary to consumers and easy to make in countries where sex toys are prohibited but ‘novelties’ are groovy. Whatever, I find this stupid (and it is starting to fade), regardless of how I feel- it works and the name has stuck. I apologize now if I call every toy with this shape (despite any nuances) a rabbit toy. Don’t be confused by an industry trying to sell more toys. A rabbit, is a rabbit, is a rabbit. The politically correct will call them Dual Stimulation Vibrators, OR Innies+Outtie Vibrators… those two options are okay depending on your customer. Since the rabbit episode of Sex and the City (even though it is 17 years old), saying “rabbit vibe” gets the point across quicker for more people. Open with “rabbit” and add the tid-bit “dual stimulation vibe” for future reference sales/communication.

Talking too much can kill a sale. Using too many foreign words with a shy client can kill a sale. Pace your clients, use terms they are comfortable with, and use plenty of analogies to every day things so people understand the value, design, and purpose you are handing them. We often use shoes, cars, tools, jewelry, and food analogies to justify adding an item to a client’s collection and help clients open up to sharing/talking with us.

Back to Wave!

The Wave, has it all. It slices, it dices, it has all the bells and whistles.

The shaft and external thumb vibrate, each function with a separate control.

The shaft also has beads that bump and wave up and down the shaft, instead of spin.

And the very top of the Wave thrusts. This is a plus, we are often asked for more toys with this function. Clients are transfixed on toys that move.

All this in multiple speeds and patterns that you can change to your specifications.

Pretty cool.

Wave has a buzz type vibration. When all the functions are going buzz turns into surface vibrations. Buzz vibrations are not my favorite. This is a type of toy that needs more vibe, or something to help hold the vibration in certain spots because it has a plethora of options. Each function needs to be stronger. Or the toy needs to be shorter so to not diffuse vibrations. Or have 2 versions of a toy. The clitoral stimulation is weak, much of the vibration is lost in the softness and bend of the extended thumb. Which bugs me, because we are often asked for soft vibrators.

Wave isn’t uncomfortable, which is a plus.

Did I orgasm? No. This toy is not for me.

I tried this toy a dozen times. I tried to use it as a warm up. After I used other toys as a warm up, and I included my partner in a session too. He found the controls easy to use, but neither of us need so many options.

After I used Pjur MedClean toy cleaner and water to wash the toy.

The Wave, as a thrusting dual stimulation sex toy, has a terrible case of the “Almosts”. It feels like a person without a vagina decided that this toy is “enough” for a vagina without being “too intimidating”. Often people say that these types of vibrators are good for beginners. I can understand that argument but only to the degree of not wanting to give a beginner jack hammer vibes. The flip side of the argument is, do not make crappy toys and justify their existence by saying “oh, it is for a beginner”. Why give a beginner a below par toy and ruin their first experience?

If my friend who enjoys buzzier toys, enjoys Wave… then it has some redeeming value.

Femme Funn insists people love Wave, it is their best selling toy. They have had emails  from clients explaining the greatness of the Wave. They urge me to carry the tester and special order Wave for clients who like the toy.

The bells, whistles, rechargeable power source, and silicone that make up this toy – pushes it into the high end price range. Which also goes hand in hand with low profit. I do not find it has bang for buck.

I do not personally like this toy, and I would not bring it into Nitecap Megastore without a couple of changes or other positive opinions that I trust. There are other thrusting toys on the market that meet my bang for buck criteria.

For videos, check out YouTube Channel: Femme Funn

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